Saberam que sou normalmente optimista relativamente ao nosso futuro enquanto aspirantes a cientistas. Mas às vezes caramba é difícil manter o optimismo e a esperança que um dia conseguiremos ter o nosso cantinho (lab e dinheiro) para trabalhar...
Eu espero que o que li ontem num artigo na Cell signifique que o nosso futuro como cientistas seja mais risonho.
Aqui vai um excerto mas podem encontrar o resto online em
Em 2007..."...First, there would be an initial build-up phase of around 3 years in which the ERC is created, within the scope of the European Treaty, as an executive agency operating with a high level of independence from the EC administration. This would be followed by a second phase in which the ERC is transformed under Article 171 of the Treaty into a fully independent intergovernmental agency. This two-phase scenario would give the ERC independence from the EC and would allow the budget and scope of the ERC to grow as a function of experience gained in the build-up phase...."
E depois o melhor
Another great challenge is how to manage the problem of oversubscription, particularly in the build-up phase. European researchers are hungry for funding. If the ERC is open to researchers in any subject area and from any EU member state, it will surely be overwhelmed with applications for what is in the first place a modest budget. Several ideas have been proposed to limit oversubscription, many of which fall into the trap of creating priority topics, which the ERC should avoid on principle. Our view, which is endorsed by the ELSF and others, is that oversubscription limited in the build-up phase by restricting applications to young investigators setting out on independent careers. The future of European research is in the hands of these young researchers. Europe desperately needs to fill the gap of trained independent investigators left by a wave of retiring professors in the coming 10 years as well as to meet the needs of the expanding knowledge economy. The ERC’s support for young researchers, we believe, should be separate from and complementary to the European Young Investigators (EURYI) scheme administered by the ESF...."
Vamos lá ver até que ponto isto vai ser verdade!!!!
sexta-feira, dezembro 02, 2005
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